Lakeside Blooms


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About This print

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Ordering this Print

Paola is very pleased to offer the chance for you to own a fantastic exhibition quality print of this photograph.

It is available in 16×24 , 20×30 or 24 x 36 either as a Premium Print or as an Archival Print

About our Premium Prints

Traditional silver-halide prints using Fuji Crystal Archive Luster, Fuji Glossy, Kodak Metallic or Fuji Deep Matte paper.

Light sensitive paper is exposed to light with lasers or LEDs, creating the highest resolution available of any printing method

Premium Paper

Fuji Crystal Archive Luster
Fuji Crystal Archive Glossy
Kodak Metallic paper
Fuji Crystal Archive Deep Matte

Note: Not all papers are available for all prints. The appropriate papers(s) are selected for that style of print.

About Our Archival Fine Art Prints

Archival inks are extremely fine pigment-based inks, that, due to their minute size, blend visually to create beautiful images with seamless tonal gradations and a very wide colour gamut. They are highly stable, helping to preserve the quality of the print over time, reducing the likelihood of colour shifts.

Printing with an astounding 12 inks, images achieve their maximum possible vibrancy, clarity, and depth. The broad gamut of colour and tone offered with the 12-Ink system, in conjunction with absolute precision in ink placement, brings out highlight and shadow detail, tonal gradation, crisp, sharp edges, and vibrant colour in every type of image.

The fine-art-grade papers we use for our Archival Fine Art Prints comprise the highest quality, most chemically neutral options available, giving your prints the longevity they deserve.

Their acid-free composition keeps prints from degrading over time, keeping the paper tone consistent and the inks from changing colour due to chemical reaction. In tandem with our archival inks, our exquisite papers help your work achieve a high degree of colour and tonal stability over time, aiding in preserving your prints as they should look—their absolute best—for centuries to come.

Sometimes referred to as a “Giclée” print, the Archival Art Print is the optimal choice for clients who want exceptional image quality and long-term stability. Extensive independent testing has shown that this type of print will last 200+ years without noticeable colour shift.

Archival Paper


Canon Satin 240g
Canon Glossy 240g
Hahnemühle Bamboo 290g


Hahnemühle PhotoRag 308g
Hahnemühle PhotoRag Pearl 320g
Hahnemühle German Etching 310g
Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta 325g
Hahnemühle Hemp 290g
Hahnemühle Agave 290g
Canson PrintMaKing Rag 310g

Note: Not all papers are available for all prints. The appropriate papers(s) are selected for that style of print.